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Backend Developer


Job Description

Uppdragsperiod: 01-feb-2025 - 30-apr-2025

Ort: Stockholm/Hybrid

Work with our devops team to develop backend services to support a new partnership with external party. Work also includes integration to partner backend services.


Desired stack in order of priority

  • Node
  • Fastify
  • TypeScript OAuth2 knowledge (we use Auth0 and will interact with Curity)
  • Monorepo: ours is a TypeScript repo that uses Turbo
  • Azure API management
  • Azure in general
  • Terraform


At least a willingness to learn Kibana and Grafana. The learning curve for these should be very manageable with guidance.

We don't need expert knowledge here, just basic ability to search logs and look at metrics. Light Kubernetes knowledge appreciated but not necessary. Our client uses Flux in k8s and our team is a tenant in it.

Also appreciated are soft skills like open and transparent communication, and vocal about issues when they arise.


Om oss

Senterprise Consulting är ett eget affärsområde inom Senterprise Sverige och är en ledande oberoende förmedlare av frilansande konsulter.
Genom aktiv headhunting och search och en omfattande teknisk förståelse hjälper Senterprise Sverige de främsta arbetsgivarna att hitta de mest lämpade kandidaterna för både anställning och konsultbehov.
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